Building a gantt diagram alone or with others can quickly become a nightmare. Few project management tools offer the shared gantt functionality. Complex and not very intuitive, project management software is often reserved for project management professionals.
For your collaborative projects, opt for a shared gantt
Try Wekowork for free
- Create an online project
- Indicate the start and end dates of the different tasks
- Wekowork automatically generates the Gantt schedule
- Share your schedule with your team
- Modify the information with a “drag and drop” function
- Synchronize your task lists with your team
- View your different project portfolios
No longer need for advanced project management skills to manage a team or project
You have all the key information directly at your service thanks to our collaborative work tool. You can plan all the tasks to be carried out and share your strategy with your team whether you are a public structure or a company. The different tasks are displayed in the schedule and you can identify the critical path.
Everyone can indicate the progress of their lot or site and mention the key dates.
With the automated dashboards, you also have a graphical representation of the key data of your various projects.
Improve your productivity by shortening information circuits
With our collaborative platform, share all the data of your project
With Wekowork and Gantt’s online planning functionality, reduce your management and meeting time by half.
Plus besoin de partir à la pêche aux informations pour savoir qui fait quoi, qui a avancé et comment. Plus besoin de chercher où sont rangés les documents, l’ensemble des fichiers sont partagés en ligne.
La planification du projet est simplifiée car chacun est responsable de sa partie du projet.
With our application, list the risks beforehand to avoid blockages. By identifying risks as early as possible, you can build a more reliable planning.
With our application, list risks beforehand to avoid blockages. By identifying risks as early as possible, you can build a more reliable planning.
- Create an excel table with an integrated calendar
- Making a chronology by hand
- integrate dependencies
- Share the gantt by email
- Review the gantt after everyone returns
If you’re wondering how to create a gantt more easily, choose our online project management web application. If you are looking for the intermediary between the excel table and complex project management software, try Wekowork whether it is the free version for small teams or the paid version for companies.
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Make your task easier with our project methodology integrated into our application. The handling is fast and intuitive. You can customize your project as you wish